Secured Gold Coin (SGC) - a company that offers digital currencies supported by gold

INTRODUCTION The world economy is littered with miscellaneous cryptocurrencies that fail to deliver on their promises and fiat currencies that are controlled by governments for the benefit of themselves. In response to this growing problem, Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited; based in Australia, has developed Secured Gold Coin ( SGC coin ), a cryptocurrency that is initially released 60 percent gold-backed coin, is completely decentralized, and is free from manipulation by any single entity. The initial released 60% gold backed coin means that the quantity of gold backing the coin at the time of initial release is not affected by the price volatility of SGC coin or Gold in the future. SGC coins are unique because they have been created specifically for global usage with a virtual wallet that eliminates the need to carry physical cash. The advantages of SGC blockchain based software contracts ( smart contracts ) enable ...