BIRB - Hyper-Deflationary Defi token built on the BSC Chain


What is BIRB?

Birb is a decentralised Hyper Deflationary coin with a single goal: to become a feature-rich and usable cryptocurrency that rewards its users. Our development team unanimously chose to launch BIRB on the Binance Smart Chain. This will allow us to take advantage of incredibly low transaction fees, which will help BIRB become a really useful and rewarding currency.
Birb is intended to be user-friendly and quick, but it will also have all of the features and advances necessary to make it a serious contender in the cryptocurrency industry.
Some of our unique and forthcoming features are listed below.

Birbswap is a new service from Birbswap. A highly secure decentralised exchange that allows you to instantaneously purchase, sell, or swap multiple tokens while preserving your identity at all times. The possibility to send while hiding your identify will set us apart from the competition.

Birb Gaming Portal
HOLDERS will be able to earn extra BIRB tokens by utilising our gaming platform, which will be quite rewarding.

Birb Lottery
Users of the BIRB lottery will be able to purchase tickets for a chance to win a large NEST (pot of coins). The lottery will be designed to be fully fair, with everyone having an equal chance of winning.

Birb Ecommerce Payment
$BIRB will soon be accepted on all major ecommerce sites, including the darknet. Payouts will be instantaneous, with no waiting period.

NFT Marketplace
The Birb NFT Marketplace will be available very soon. Our team of artists will create collectible digital artwork for the NFT in limited editions. We also invite any artist who can contribute great artwork to the BIRB marketplace.

Birb Voting
BirbVote is a community-driven decision-making platform where users may vote on prospective additions and changes. This will provide a fair and non-biased voting platform, preventing wealthy shareholders from swaying votes in their favour. Members can vote on development ideas or any plan that requires funding from the development fund.
To prevent spammers from abusing the system, voting requires a minimum balance of 50 BIRB.

Social Sending
Send Birb Cryptocurrency to anybody, even if they don’t have an account, on major social networking networks. Twitter, Twitch, Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, Discord, Tiktok, WeChat, and more platforms are among them.
All Well-Known Platforms This, we feel, will be a critical step in expanding the usage of BIRB across all major social media platforms, including Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, Twitch, Instagram, Whatsapp, Discord, and others.

Useful links to the project

● Website:

● Telegram:

● Twitter:

● Medium:

● Instagram:

● YouTube:

● Github:


Bitcointalk username: injhagi

Bitcointalk profile:;u=2622047;sa=summary

Bsc wallet address:  



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