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The emergence of technology and Artificial Intelligence has brought convenience in our daily activities and means of living in general. People become less employed in certain places, and enjoy all the humanitarian benefits that are available in everyday life which are the most ordinary. All thanks to innovative ideas that visit the minds of certain people.
Artificial intelligence is part of software engineering that intends to make smart machines. This has become a basic part of the innovation business. Research related to man-made brain power is very specialized and concentrated. The main problem of artificial intelligence is that it combines PC programming for certain attributes, for example, Information, Reasoning, Understanding the problem, Perception, Learning, Planning and the Ability to control and move objects.
Man-made unrest has begun and associations in assembly, transportation, retail, money, entertainment, instruction, and about each industry are changing their central procedures and action plans to exploit. Not only does AI change business and organization, it assumes colossal work in our daily lives. How we travel, what we choose to eat, the amount we pay for brewing often depends on AI arrangements.

Despite its extraordinary influence on society and giant interests, AI and its needs are difficult to understand because of their diverse nature. Organizations and experts are not regulated for the abuse of very large scale. These conditions especially affect the most conventional organizations, who are careless in the midst of problematic change. To guarantee a combination of AI that is reasonable, simple and agile in the public eye, benefiting both organizations and their clients, explicit tools are needed that address the boundaries of this section.

That is a decentralized AI! As we proceeded, I saw three big favorable circumstances 
decentralization of AI over customary AI:
Insignificant inactivity or does not depend on association settings
Prepare yourself more effectively or done in a decentralized way
Less Power Consumption or again, there is no dependency on organizational associations

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Understanding and increasing the possibility of an artificial brain with unlimited scalability is a complex task. This white paper divides the explanation of DAIN's potential into three interrelated components, examined separately and in detail: DAIN Ecosystem:
DAIN is created, built and developed by and for its users. Like the internet, DAIN users will determine what DAIN will look like in the future. Users can participate in this ecosystem by playing various roles.
DAIN Solution:
Business tool boxes designed to offer value outside the box
DAIN users.
It aims to streamline the democratization of AI and enable new business models.
DAIN Platform:
The underlying core infrastructure that enables ecosystems and the creation of solutions. Its mission is to build a secure market for computing resources, data, and AI models.
DAIN is conceptually designed to interact with two types of users, end users and institutions (private companies or any other institution, such as universities or research centers).
Last user
pushing the market for computing resources, sharing the computing capacity of their devices free of charge to meet agency service requests, accepting prizes (tokens) as payment.

making service requests to the network, using computing resources. Depending on the type of service request, they can be divided into:

They create new AI models that are trained in DAIN using their own data and / or data provided by network members, paying tokens in return for the use of computational resources or data needed. These solutions can be made only for their own consumption, or they can be exposed in the market at any time to generate a new income stream.

They directly access the AI ​​market to reuse existing solutions made by Manufacturers.
As explained, DAIN Solutions provides ready-to-use business solutions. This section details the initial set of solutions that will be provided on the DAIN platform

Empathy - Engagement platform
Knowledger - AI Marketplace
The soul - an autonomous agent
Psyche - Intelligent Travel Platform Made by Zero Code
Intuition - Laboratory
DAIN applies different techniques to improve the stability of utility and overall system tokens:
The DAIN token value is referred to by the computational power that forms the network.
Tokens have reduced volatility, because values ​​(not prices) are related to tangible and measurable indicators.
There are clear drivers of growth in the value of tokens.
Wealth distribution

DAIN tokens are directly related to network computing power. To measure network computing power, a reference index is defined: DIPS (DAIN Performance Index Standards). Each service request handled by the network can be marked with a DIPS number, which represents the estimated computing power needed to complete it. DAIN token (DAINT) is defined as the computational capacity that enables the implementation of 1 DIPS service request, in every active Minimum Resource Cell in the network. 1 DAINT = 1 DIPS x #MRCs To prevent the growth of artificial networks, each MRC requires a DAINT backup to be considered active and allowed to provide services.
While the prices of certain tasks are driven by supply and demand, there is a pricing mechanism that links them with token values, reducing volatility.

We just started, but everything has been mapped and planned. Learn about the next steps.
2018 Q3
DAIN network conceptualized
2018 Q4
DAIN complete technical design
2019 Q1
Agreement with Universidad Pontificia de Comillas to fund the DAIN research project
2019 Q2
DainWare is funded
White Paper published
Funds collected from 8 angel investors
Advisory Board
2019 Q3
Agreement with SecondWindow to provide development workforce
We are here
2019 Q4
IEO 1.0
Personal Sales Tokens
Telefónica & Eleven Paths LoI out
2020 Q1
IEO 2.0 with additional exchanges for broad reach
Research Article Publication
Cases of PoC Industry Use
2020 Q2
2020 Q4
Launch of Testnet
Demo Demo Concept
DainServices Settings
Go-to-market service providers and integrators

José Ramón García Luque
Founder & CEO
Cognitive & AI Architect at Sabadell Bank
Luis Garcia San Luis
CIO at Deutsche Bank SAE
Carlos Diaz Count
Business Development & Strategic Alliances
Jesus Garcia Louis
CTO Analysis & Founder 8g
LossLessLinen Technology Advisor
Luis Garcia Lorente
Promptwave founder
(ICEX Innovation Award)
Strategic Partner Advisors & Assessors @StartupEurope Awards
Andrés Contreras Guillen
Head of Solutions & Services
Research team
José Luis Gahete Díaz
Professor at Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid ICAI-ICADE
David Contreras Bárcena
Director of the Department of Telematics and Computers at Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid ICAI-ICADE
David Alfaya
Professor in the Applied Mathematics Department of the ICAI School of Engineering
Alejandro García San Luis
Professor at Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid ICAI-ICADE
Israel Alonso Martínez
Professor at Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid ICAI-ICADE

Advisory Team
Francesc Fajula De Quintana
Director of Open Innovation at Banco Sabadell
Roberto Nuñez Del Rio
Founder in Why? Digital Training and HubIT
Marcos De Pedro
CEO at myClouddoor
Covadonga Fernández
Director at Blockchain Observatory
Jose Salamanca
COO at UST Global España & LATAM
Jorge Alonso
Director General at the Second Window
Ricardo Usaola
Regional Vice President - Iberia MuleSoft Sales at Salesforce
Valentin Galan
Director of Channel Partners and Regional Alliance at Mulesoft, a Sales Force Company
Juan Boquera
Operations Manager at The Cocktail
Juan Antonio Sánchez Cañibano
Head of Digital Services Sales Specialist
Jorge Point
Blockchain & Crypto Influencers | Global Business Developers

For more information:

Bitcointalk username: Injhagi
Bitcointalk profile: 
Eth address: 


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